Clarity to Creation

Bring your vision into your reality quickly and easily…even if it feels like it is impossible.



In this 3-month program, that begins on May 23rd, you will experience:

Monthly Group Clarity Calls to hone in on the details of what you want in your vision to bring it into your reality.

Monthly Private 1:1 Session to process, heal and release old patterns, emotions, or beliefs that come up to block what you desire from coming into your experience.

Weekly Vibration Alignment Blasts to move you into the vibrational frequency match of what you want and hold you in it so that becoming that version of you living that life is easier.

Monthly Energy Clearing and Healing around energies that keep you stuck, they include the energy around Being Enough, Being Worthy and Deserving, Receiving, Rejection, Judgment, and Obligation. These are pre-recorded and two are released each month for you to work with the energy of them and integrate it into your life relating to your creation. The limited, constrictive energies of these keep you from what you desire coming into your reality. Trust will be added as a new LIVE session to work with what keeps you from trusting yourself and the universe in creating what you desire.

Additional energy work as received and intuited for the group energy that comes together. This includes two pre-recorded exercises of connecting with your Future Self to see what she’s up to and has already created from this work you are doing here as well as with Permission and “rewiring” the deep conditioned energy of looking outside yourself for approval and acceptance of the choices you make for yourself. Monthly Releasing Resistance LIVE energy work will be added to keep you in a place of softness, surrender and allowing.

Private Facebook Community to share your visions for support, encouragement, and holding the energy for each other.

Special surprise energetic gift physically delivered to you in appreciation of your choosing to step into this program and create your heart’s desire for yourself.


For intimacy of interaction and holding YOUR specific vision in Tammy’s vibrational energy field for creation, this offer is only available for Six Divine Creators.


💥 There are 6 spots available! 💥


All Sales are Final


What others are sharing about their experience in the C2C Program…

“I’m already part of Tammy’s membership, programs, and doing healing work in private sessions with her, so when she offered the Clarity to Creation program, I didn’t even know what I needed specifically. She knew what I needed, but I didn’t see it at first, and she was 100% right! I’m so glad I joined! I loved the other women in the group and Tammy’s energy (as usual). Working with her privately is always powerful as she just seems to know exactly what you need and does the healing work with you to create deep and profound change. All the energy work she offers in the Facebook group and weekly Vibration Alignment Blasts accelerate what you experience and the results you actually see in your life. I am sooo different! I can feel the energy of good things coming close and then they happen. I love myself and who I am so much more. I am more comfortable in my own skin and feel good about my appearance in ways I never have before. I am more accepting of myself and the way I look and feel in each moment. My energy is way more aligned with what I desire and it continues to expand more with each passing day. I have boundless energy. I am living more in the moment and I feel magic happening all around me and the things I have wanted are coming to fruition. I am taking bolder steps towards what I desire. During this program, I’ve experienced money coming in, relationships healing, our business growing, and feeling more abundant. For many years I struggled with emotional eating and thought I had healed it but during this program, I actually have and I feel a new level of self-love now. Having experienced this program, and of course Tammy’s work, I’ll tell you that if you feel the pull then go towards it because you will get to where you desire to be in this program.”  Randie Rolontz

“I’ve been working with Tammy for some time now and she has already helped me create the relationship I’ve wanted, so creating my dream home felt like the next perfect creation for me. I love that Clarity to Creation is such an intimate, small group setting program. It was motivating knowing that I was with the other women on their journeys as well and everyone held the space for each other. I loved watching everything align for them. WOW is what I can say about this program. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for and now I am clear and in a position to be able to buy my dream home. I am seeing all of the pieces come together with such ease. I am committed 100% to this dream and that is a big difference. From working with Tammy, I know I can have it and have not lost my focus. She really helped me with that and things around me shifted while I held my focus and now everything is aligning. With the relationship I created earlier, we are getting this home together! That was a big dream of mine and now it is happening! In about 5 months of beginning this program and becoming aligned with the energy of my new home, we found, purchased, and closed on it. IT IS REALLY PHYSICALLY OURS NOW! If there is something you really desire to create in your life, and are committed to the work, it WILL happen. Tammy takes care of all of the energy work and holds the space. Tammy is the best and so talented.” Tammy Gromek

“The Clarity to Creation program is PHENOMENAL! I loved the closeness and support of working in a small group. I appreciated the accountability to keep me on track and taking action. I love having a safe space to share for emotional support with no judgments and being with like-minded souls. The healing work Tammy offers during the program is amazing. She knows just what to unlock to shift the stuck energy and emotions that I wasn’t even aware of and interfered with my personal growth and being able to move forward in the ways I really want to. Words cannot express my gratitude for her help, healing, and understanding through unblocking energies that were hindering me. When I started the program I was all over the place with creating my business plan. I would get overwhelmed not knowing where to start and nothing would get accomplished. The program got me to focus on one aspect (creating my ideal client) and everything else started to fall into place. Now I am in a space of designing my business for my ideal client and I get excited working on it!!! I felt like my business was in 3rd person, not a part of me. The program helped me align myself with the business as if we are one. What an amazing feeling!  I’ve gained so much confidence and self-value. The program is a level up in self-care and paying attention to what I really want and feel passionate about. Putting the time, energy, and CLARITY into me first has been so rewarding.  It was not something I learned well growing up. As I created my ideal client, they started showing up! What locked in this program for me was in the Title and description…clarity – clearing my pathway to my creation.  I was tired of wondering what was stalling me from moving forward and manifesting. I actually see myself in the moment and am fully present now. I cannot thank Tammy enough for this program and highly recommend it!”   Sherpa Shannon, Canine Communicator & Wellness Guide –

“I trust Tammy’s knowledge, insight, and guidance as I have been in her field for some time now. The Clarity to Creation Program had the momentum and diversity of components that keep you motivated and moving forward throughout the month. With the group work as well as the personal deep dives into our ideas about our creation and Tammy’s guidance in the form of energy work to shift our blocks to manifesting what we want, it was a wonderful mix of everything I needed to really bring my business to life in ways I hadn’t experienced or imagined it before. The program slowly expanded my mind and energy to accept myself in order to believe I was truly deserving of my creation while narrowing my focus to the small steps I needed to take to feel as if my creation was with me in the present moment as if I was living it now. At the beginning of the program, I was dreaming of this world where I felt like I was rescued and placed in it and everything worked. At the end, I was excited about the world I called into being based on what lights me up. I feel more confident in myself, knowing that I can be a success in the business world I dreamed up because I know who to be and what I offer and why I’m valued. I feel emotionally lighter having faced emotional blocks and historical and ancestral baggage that has kept me small. Synchronicities have and continue to show up in my physical world to bring my creation more and more into my reality. The program helps you take the law of attraction ideas from concept and vision into the tangible, real world. I love this program and all it offers!”  Cheri Dannels