An Intuitive and Energetic Experience Event –




Do you have life questions you are looking for higher insight and guidance on so you can align with the clarity, purpose and next steps that are best for you?

How about releasing a deep held emotion that has you feeling stuck moving forward and you just haven’t been able to release it fully yet?

What if you can receive a blast of high vibrational energy that opens the space for what you want to create that is new and different in your life to happen with more ease, flow and quicker for you? 


Over the last couple of months, I have offered an in person Intuitive and Energetic Experience event that has been well received and the 15 available seats have filled up quickly.


I’ve decided to offer it again in this month, only to be able to make it accessible to those of you beyond my local area, this one will be virtual.


It’s on Sunday, October 17th at 2 pm via Zoom for ladies ONLY.


This will be an afternoon of intuitive insight and guidance on what’s happening for you along with an understanding of your personal energy and how to create your life the way you want it from knowing more about your vibrational frequency.


You’ll also experience a release of an emotional wound or struggle you have been carrying as well as receive my proprietary Energy Blast™ (the members of my Facebook group love it) to raise your vibrational frequency, which is your point of attraction for what you experience in your life, to match that of what you want to attract into your life now.


If you are not familiar with what your vibrational frequency is, think of it like this…you create your external reality and life based on the internal vibrational frequency that you are sending out like a radio, and the “station” you are on is what you experience coming back to you as the circumstances, situations and people in your life. When you change your vibration, you change your life.


You’ll be able to ask questions and receive insight and guidance specific to you and what is happening in your life that you want to know more about. Being in a group setting allows for you to receive insight and guidance in response to the questions of others as well. All that is shared will be perfect and benefit all those who participate and attend.


Although 3 hours is allotted for the event, it will depend on the number of attendees as to how long it actually runs with there being up to 15 seats.


Please join the event promptly by 2 pm to hold the energy of the space without disruption or disturbance, and of course, so you don’t miss anything that is shared.


The investment for this intuitive and energetic experience is only $45 per person.



I am closing registration 48 hours before the event or when the 15 seats fill up (some of which are already filled), to prepare for it so please be sure to register as soon as possible to save your seat! The couple of times I have offered this event recently, several ladies were unable to attend due to waiting so don’t wait to save yours.


Once you register, you become part of the energy of this event.


You’ll receive the Zoom link for the event in the confirmation email when you register.




⭐ Please be aware that there are no refunds. If you want a seat, that seat becomes yours and remains it.




Here’s a little about me…


I am known as The Vibrational Goddess and I support women on their spiritual journey to vibrationally align with their soul’s truth, path, and purpose.


My expertise is to shift you into the higher vibrational frequency that matches what you want to experience in your life now quickly, easily, and in alignment with your soul’s desired human journey.


I am an intuitive channel, high vibrational healer, Akashic Record expert, Energetic Creation coach and teacher. I have been sensitive to energy, spirits, and the unseen planes of existence since I was a young child and love all the adventures, insights, and exciting variety that being tuned in to this allows me to experience daily in me life. I live what I teach and share and see this life and all it has to offer as my playground, and yours.


To connect with me, join my Facebook group at Your Spiritual Journey Playground: Elevating Your Awakening, Healing & Growth @ where I offer a high vibe space and bi-weekly Energy Blasts in it.


I’d love to have you be there, so don’t wait to register if you want to join us!💜







Energy is powerful when you know how to consciously give it purpose to assist you in creating what you desire.

Discover the 4 powerful ways to use this energy technique to amplify your ability to manifest what you desire in your life now.

Your life is meant to be the way YOU want it to be!

Use the Magic available to make it so!

Thanks for connecting with me!